However, for the past two evenings I've been taken by Freaks and Geeks. It's a show I've been wanting to catch up with for a long time. When I saw the DVD on the shelf a couple days ago, I was overcome by impulse and had to get it.
Now I'm knee deep into Freaks and Geeks - a show that makes me proud to say: I, too, was a freashman in High School in 1980. And man, the nostalgia of it really hits home: the Steve Martin poster in the bedroom, the all Star Wars references, dodgeball, and the music. In the pilot episode, when Styx's "Renegade" kicked in and when it closed with "Come Sail Away", that connected with me in a big way. Jeez, with "Come Sail Away" at the dance, I'm not 100% sure about this, but it may have brought a tear to my eye. (Steve, you big, lame-ass baby. Grow up!).
Thank you Paul Feig and everyone else on the show. You guys nailed it.
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