Thursday, October 05, 2006

Quote: "Jump, and your net will appear."

At any given time, I'm reading perhaps three books; and there's a good chance one of the books is about personal development or business. Presently I'm reading One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success by Marci Alboher - it will be publised in February, 2007.

Among the many people profiled, the author introducues Sally Hogshead (for her official site, click here). She'a a successful advertizing executive - she helped come up with a series of ads for the Mini Cooper cars - who's also an author, speaker and consultant. While promoting one of her upcoming books, Hogshead utilized various business cards with snappy designs to get people to remember her - or brand her; effectively associating her name and image with being fun, creative, and exciting. A quote on one of her business cards struck me. It reads:

"Jump, and a net will appear."

I love that! For moving your life forward, getting your career started or just kicking things into gear, it remins me of a quote by Ray Bradbury that goes something like: "Jump from the cliff and build your wings as you go." And this I guess could also relate to the idea: instead of 'ready, aim, fire' go with 'fire, ready, aim' - because most people aim, aim and aim, and as a result, never actually create their book, business or product.

So... you must jump. And don't worry. Your net will appear.

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