Monday, October 23, 2006

The Host, that monster movie from South Korea

It pretty much rules.

I never thought I'd describe a monster movie as elegant, but The Host is. Maybe because it's more than just a monster movie. It's really about one father's commitment to his daughter.

The Host's storyline is somewhat similar to Close Encounters. The difference here, however, is the father's quest isn't so egotistical as Roy Leary's to reconsile with his inner demons. In the Host, the father is primarily after his daughter. So, unlike typical American monster movies, finding and killing the beast isn't so imperative. But if he gets the chance, that's a plus.

The characters make this movie. The girl's family, as comically distressed as they are, gamble their lives with their small, make-shift rescue attempt, and it's most amusing.

If you're on the fence about seeing The Host, look at it this way: the sequence in which the monster is first revealed is simply the best. The thing emerges from the river and chases parkgoers. It's just amazing. That scene alone should grab you.

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