Friday, September 29, 2006

Writing That Article

Because my livelihood depends on it, I spend quite a bit of time thinking about the articles I'm writing. To me, it's all part of the creative process. It's like creating the blue print before building the house. Because I have quite a lot of experience writing articles about movies - I write for a well-known online movie publication - I feel I have the ability to help other people become better writers. I think I can offer some suggestions with this blog.

There are certain tricks to the trade. Little things you can do that add up to establishing your voice as a writer. Quirky wordplays and sentence structures. And I love that. Really, there's nothing better than reading someone's ingenious combination of words and punctuation. (Except maybe comeing up with something yourself.)

Not everyone finds that exciting, of course, but I do. So let's see what happens here. Maybe I can help you.

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